For Pharmacy Technician Instructors and Pharmacy Schools

For just the purchase price of your students' hard copy books, you will get;

We will design for you a website with multimedia educational tools and online class registration.
We will consult with you on educational, advertising, and marketing issues.
We will provide each of your students with our pharmacy technician review books.
If your students can meet online from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM central time, then pharmacist Thomas King RPh. may teach your class. Mr. King has both hospital and retail pharmacy experience. He has been teaching pharmacy technician classes for over 15 years and over 99% of his students pass the ExCPT exam. If you do not have pharmacist instructors in your pharmacy technician program, Mr. King's online classes in addition to your instructors will allow you to claim that you have pharmacists teaching your pharmacy technician course. Even if your instructor is a pharmacist, we can provide valuable extra instruction and tutoring for your students that may need a little extra help.

We invite you to contact us today for further information.